The POD regulations allow for breeding on the plot, with the consent of the garden management, under certain conditions and a certain number: rabbits and chickens and up to three swarms of bees. Rooms for breeding rabbits and chickens, in accordance with the above. dim. of the regulations, should form an architectural whole with a gazebo. The hives, on the other hand, should be set up like this, so that the outgoing and arriving bees do not obstruct work and rest on the neighboring plots.

Rabbits, just like other domestic animals, require suitable premises, which would provide them with favorable living conditions and productivity. The best results are achieved, raising rabbits in cages or pens on deep litter. Only cages can be used in the garden – as the most universal rooms. Rabbits do not require a large area of ​​breeding. The cage area is sufficient for females and males of the livestock 0,45-0, 60 m2, and for one art of "youth" 0,12-0,15 m2. In a cage of a universal type, about dimensions: width 80 cm, depth 70-75 cm and height 50 cm, fit (held individually) female or male of livestock or 4-5 pieces of reared youth”. On average, they are needed for one female of the livestock 3 cages for rearing the young. The cages must provide light for the animals. In poor daylight conditions (if electric lighting cannot be used) the fertility of rabbits is reduced, and health disorders may also occur (rachityza). On the other hand, rabbits should not be exposed to direct sunlight, because in hot weather they easily overheat (heatstroke).

The most accessible material for building rabbit cages is wood, various cheap waste materials can be used to make single tier cages, such as: cuts, short cats, pieces of plywood, old crates and boards from packages. In addition to wood, bitumen tar paper is also used to cover roofs and seal floors, and wire mesh to cover the door or the floor.. Building cages, you should strive, that all their design and equipment parameters are as uniform as possible, because it facilitates their interchangeability. The aesthetics of workmanship and skillful integration into the surroundings of the gazebo are also important.

2-storey cage for rabbits, 4-departmental 7 – grate, 2 – the floor is covered with tar paper, 3 – trough, 4 – brick, 5 -drain tube

The figure shows a two-story staircase, which may be 4- or 6 guns, with the attic. The growing interest in bird breeding prompts many garden users to build poultry houses, unless they have basement rooms, which could be adapted to these purposes. The profitability of breeding hens depends on many factors, but largely on the quality of the room. The best nutrition fails, when chickens are kept tight, damp, cold, dirty and infested hen houses. The room for hens should be spacious enough, seek, bright, warm, well ventilated and kept clean. The internal air temperature should be 18 ° C (at -4 ° C, hens stop laying eggs). Relative humidity of indoor air should not exceed 70%. Maintaining the optimal temperature in the poultry house can only be achieved by making warm external walls and internal partitions, ceilings and floors as well as the number of hens adapted to the size of the poultry house. Indoor air purity and temperature are regulated by efficient ventilation devices.

Height of the hen house, which is important for maintaining the right temperature in the room, should not be less than 1,70 m; then you can move freely in such a room. Because lighting and insolation also improve health conditions and increase the carrying capacity of the hens, the size of the window openings should not be less than 10% the entire area of ​​the house for hens. The windows should be double glazed and secured with a wire mesh on the inside against predators, because windows are removed in summer. Windows should be done this way, so that they can be tilted upwards towards the room, and they should be at a height of approx 40 cm from the floor. The rooms for hens must be located with windows to the south-east (time 11 on the clock face) or south, possibly south-west, The sun's rays can fall on the entire floor surface for a long time. You also need to mesh the chicken runs, so that they do not damage the garden and do not pollute the rest of the area.

If you are interested in breeding hens, I recommend the booklet by J.. Szklarzewicz and A.. Skórskiego Raising hens and building hen houses [25].

With regard to bees, the "Guidelines of the Presidium of the National Council of the PZD of 7 February 1984 the year on bee breeding” [32] they command, when setting up an apiary on an individual plot, obtaining the consent of the garden management and agreeing the location of the hives on the plot with the Circle or the Beekeepers' Section of the Polish Beekeeping Association. The hives should be placed in a dry place, partly sheltered from winds and partly shaded. The direction of the hives should be like this, that their outlets face east or south-east. From the side of the neighboring plot, the hive should be separated by a height shield 1,8 m. If you are interested in breeding bees, I refer to the publication: Beekeeping in employee allotment gardens [34],

It is recommended to organize collective breeding of rabbits in POD, hens and bees in dedicated places in the garden.

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