

Kard is a perennial plant very similar to artichoke, heights 1 -1,5 m, with long leaves, hairy, with spikes. This is different, that it often produces shoots and flower baskets in the first year, but about dry ones, inedible cover leaves. It has, however, a very broad, thick, fleshy, edible leaf petioles, which turn white, so that they lose their bitter taste.

Kard is grown as an annual plant. Seeds are nested into pots, just like artichokes, or straight to the ground in late April or early May, at depth 5-6 cm, at a distance of 1X1 m, leaving one plant in the nest. The leaves are tied together and entrenched. Po 3-4 For weeks, the petioles are bleached and ready to eat. In winter, the plants are transferred to the cellar and pored in the sand to the leaf blades. Bleached tails can still be used up.

The seeds are imported. The most common variety is Kard z Tours.

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