Leaf parsley

Leaf parsley

Leaf parsley, similar to the root, is a biennial plant, and even many years; every year starting from the second year it produces seeds. It produces a lot of leaves, on the other hand, its branched woody root is unfit for consumption. Compared to the leaves of the root parsley, its leaf blades are richer in vitamins, sole < mineral and aromatic oils. It also has great decorative value.

Leaf parsley intended for direct leaf collection and for obtaining roots for forcing is grown in the same way as root parsley.. The amount of organic substances in the soil determines the success of cultivation. In humus-poor soils, parsley should be grown even immediately after the manure has been introduced, and on richer soils – in the following years. Parsley is a plant with a long germination period and is particularly sensitive to salinity at this stage of growth. It is best to sow phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in the fall, in dose 50 g / m2 of triple superphosphate and 40-50 g / m2 of potassium salt or potassium sulphate. Nitrogen fertilizers are sown in spring, before sowing 20 g / m2 of ammonium nitrate or calcium ammonium nitrate and top dressing in July in the same amount as in spring. The seeds are usually sown in March-April, but it is also possible to cultivate from autumn sowing. On 1 m2 is enough 0,5 g nasion. Due to the large leaf rosette, Parsley should be sown in rows every 30-40 cm. When it rises well, an intermission is performed, leaving 5-10 cm space between plants in a row. The leaves of the parsley are harvested gradually, starting with the outer leaves. The most common harvest time is from July to October, and sometimes they start in June. WITH 1 m2 can be obtained per year 1,5 kg naci.

If we are going to rush the parsley during the winter, then the harvesting of leaves must be completed 2-3 weeks before the scheduled date of root excavation. Parsley roots with a diameter at the root neck above are suitable for forcing 5 mm and length 6-8 cm. The roots are usually much longer, therefore, when preparing for forcing, they must be shortened to the above-mentioned length, as it facilitates planting in boxes. Rushing can be started in October-November. The type of substrate is irrelevant, as long as it is sufficiently moist and has air access to it. During forcing, the substrate temperature should be kept between 8-12 ° C (at higher temperatures, leaf growth is too strong). The first harvest of leaves is carried out after 12-15 weeks. Leaves stored in the refrigerator for a period 1-2 weeks stay fresh.

There are varieties of parsley to choose from: Ribbed Paprociolistna -this is a fertile variety, has short petioles, leaves divided into small sections; Paramount – the most fertile variety, aromatic, has long tails, thick, strongly curly gill, very decorative, leaves early; Not any more – dwarf variety, leaves divided into small sections, fertile; Perfection -also dwarf, leaves divided into small sections, fertile.

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