Trętwian (New Zealand spinach)

Trętwian (New Zealand spinach)

It is a plant derived from a completely different botanical genus than spinach, but of similar nutritional importance, prepared and eaten in the same way. Trętwian does not respond to the length of the day, grows well at higher temperatures, therefore it can be cultivated in the summer, when common spinach cannot be grown. Its advantage is also this, that the leaves growing upwards do not get dirty with earth, which makes them easier to wash. Contrary to common spinach, Tretwian does not lose its consumption value when the flowers appear. The leaves are collected several times during the growing season.

The taste of the trout leaves is softer and milder than the leaves of spinach. They contain large amounts of vitamin C and carotene, vitamin PP, moreover, calcium compounds, iron and phosphorus.

Tretwian has a shallow root system, but very large. The spreading stem is branched, produces shoots growing upwards in height 60-90 cm. They are covered with triangular shapes, thick, dark green leaves. Small, yellow-green flowers grow from the axils of the leaves.

Trout requires a lot of heat, especially in May and June. It also needs large amounts of water. It also has high soil requirements, which should be fertile, warm and humid. In cool surroundings and in cool summers, it starts to yield too late. It is grown in the second year after manure, however, due to the long growing season and the production of large amounts of green mass, it is recommended to fertilize with plenty of nitrogen before sowing: 15-20 g sale-trzaku, in late June and mid-August after 1 5 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 m2. Tretwian is sown into the ground in May, socket, spaced 100X40 cm, 60X60 cm or 70X50 cm, because the plant grows strongly and reaches a diameter 1 m. Because the leprosy grows relatively slowly, ordinary spinach is sown on the plot in early spring, radish or lettuce, which are gathering, before the leprosy develops sufficiently. Willing to get earlier and higher yields, Trumpets are grown from seedlings. Then it is sown in March or April after 2-3 seeds for pots lined up in the inspection. WITH 1 g of seeds can be obtained 10 seedling pieces. The seedlings are planted into the ground at the end of May or at the beginning of June, spaced 80 x 60 cm. During its growth, the trampoline should be weeded and watered during drought. Harvesting begins at the end of June – in early July and lasts until frost. WITH 1 m2 can be obtained 2,5-3 kg of leaves.

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