

Ribbed celery does not produce a root callus. It forms a tight rosette with long, thickened, fleshy and juicy petioles, having a length 16-26 cm and width from 3 do 4 cm, with a strong aroma. They are trough-shaped, at the bottom they are strongly flared and ribbed. They are eaten raw filled with cheese, in pate or in the form of salads or cooked like asparagus. Celery stalks are rich in mineral salts, contain vitamins C and A and essential oil, giving a specific and spicy taste and stimulating digestion and appetite. Requires fertile soil, similar to celery. It is sensitive to the lack of micronutrients (bor, magnesium, calcium).

Growing only from seedlings. Sowing seeds in a warm inspection or in a box in the apartment, just like celery. The seedlings are planted into the ground in the second half of May, by mid-June at the latest, spaced 40-60X30 cm, depending on soil fertility, the cultivation method and the growth strength of the variety. It requires watering in a rainless period. The leaf petioles are cut with a knife, 3-5 cm below the soil surface along with a thin layer of the root bulb, so that the leaf rosette does not crumble. All seeds available from us are imported.

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