Apple tree cultivation and care

Apple trees of noble varieties have different heights and therefore are divided into three groups, namely, for trees of low growth and small sizes (e.g. Jonathan, Wealthy), medium-sized (e.g. Olive, Queen Renet) and growing up to large sizes (e.g. Boskoop, Emperor Wilhelm).

The root system of trees grafted on a wild apple tree or Antonówka is strongly developed and grows several meters in depth and width, however, most of the roots extend deep 20-80 cm.

Forms of apple crowns: 1 – wide conical, 2 narrow conical, 3 – inverted cone shape. 4 – copulation, 5 – spherical, 6 – spherical-flattened.

Individual varieties of apple trees develop quite diverse crowns. In general, three main forms prevail: conical (Olive), copulation (Jonathan) and spherical (Boiken) – dependent to a large extent on the shape given to them by humans. This should be borne in mind, commencing the formation of crowns, according to the rules given earlier. Apple trees of noble varieties live on average 60-80 years. The longevity of a tree depends on the rootstock, varieties, care, soil, etc.. The trees on dwarf rootstocks usually live 30 years. In most varieties, the highest productivity of trees is in between 25 a 45 year of life. The soil requirements of apple trees are generally low. However, they work best on moderately compact soils, i.e.. nor too light, nor too heavy. Thanks to the many positive qualities of the apple tree, low thermal requirements, the apple tree grows all over Poland, if the varieties are well chosen. It is the most popular fruit tree grown in Poland. It is recommended to plant three types of tree varieties in the plots - early varieties, autumn and winter, whose fruit can be stored.

The earliest early variety is the American variety, introduced in our selection in 1971 r. – Close. The trees of this variety grow strongly, therefore only dwarf plants are suitable for planting in small gardens, grafted on a rootstock M 26 or M 9 and with an insert (twice vaccinated) B 9, P 2 or P 22. Such trees create the highest-scoring crowns 3 m in diameter. They enter the fruiting period very early after planting, usually in 5-7 year. They bear fruit every year, but moderately. They are resistant to frost, moderately susceptible to scab, but resistant to mildew. They give the best yield and the fruit ripens early in the warmest regions and on lighter soils, but sufficiently fertile. The fruits are medium-sized or large, spherical-conical, with slightly marked ribs. Strong skin, smooth, greenish yellow, covered with a strong carmine blush, slightly blurred, often streaked. Cream-white flesh, fragile, juicy, sweet and wine, aromatic. Large seed chambers, Open. The fruits ripen gradually, the first already in mid-July, but they often fall prematurely, especially when summer is dry. Therefore, some owners of this variety are dissatisfied with it. However, it is more valuable than Inflancka, because it matures a few days earlier, it bears fruit every year and has a tasty fruit.

Inflancka, also known as Yellow Olive, The Earliest Papierowka or the White Nalew, comes from the Baltic countries (hence its name). The tree grows vigorously at first, but it grows to medium size. However, it is better to plant a dwarf form (the same washers, jak Close, or also M. 7). It tends to over-thicken the crown, so it requires skillful cutting. It enters the fruiting period even earlier than Close. In the first years, it produces good fruit, with aging, trees diminishing due to alternating fruiting, which is a serious drawback of this variety. Creates groups of primordia (po 2-3) and absolutely requires their thinning. It is resistant to frost, quite resistant to scab. On wet or heavy soil, succinct young trees suffer from gangrene of the bark and cancer. It produces medium-sized or small fruit, variable shape, most often conical, slightly ribbed, with one rib that is more developed and runs through the whole fruit in the form of a crease. Smooth skin, thin, dry, jas-nozielonawożółta, it becomes whitening as it matures, covered with a whitish bloom. Greenish-white flesh, very delicatessen, juicy, aromatic, acidulous, tasty.

James Grive is a variety that ripens at the turn of August and September. It is an English variety, creates a small crown, spherical yes, that even non-dwarf trees can be planted. It starts bearing fruit quite early (4-5 year) and it bears fruit abundantly every year, but only on younger increments (2-, 4-summer), what to consider when forming crowns. It is perfect for sandy loam and loess soils. However, it is insufficiently resistant to frost and therefore should not be planted in the north-eastern regions of the country. It produces large or medium-sized fruit, fairly even, conical-spherical. Medium thickness rind, smooth, greenish yellow, with a large red-pink blush and purple blush, irregular streaks. Creamy flesh, fragile, juicy, sweet sweet acid, slightly spicy, very tasty and delicate aroma. The fruit is perfect for drinking juices.

A later maturing variety, because in the first days of September, Anto-nówka Normal is a great choice for drinking juices and other preserves and for apple pie. It is an old Russian variety, commonly used in nursery as a seedling-rootstock. Young trees grow poorly at first, they have curves, slowly thickening trunks. Older trees, fully fruiting, they have a spherical crown, flattened, consisting of a few branches, not thickening. Much of the branch grows at an acute angle and later breaks off under the weight of the fruit, therefore it is necessary to support them during the fruiting period. It comes to fruiting early on average (6-7 year), therefore it is worth planting dwarf forms (on M washers 26 or M 9). The trees are characterized by high frost resistance. They require more fertile soils. For the poor, too dry, they grow very slowly and bear less fruit. They produce medium-sized fruit, with uneven sides, variable in shape, essentially cylindrical, but they can be barrel-shaped or flattened. Hard rind, light green, greenish-yellow as it matures. The flesh is white with a slight cream or greenish tinge, fragile, acidulous, very aromatic. Unfortunately, they fall off trees easily, but by spraying with naphthylacetic acid, collection can be delayed for several days. It has a tendency to alternate fruiting. Out of choice, recommended for cultivation in allotment and home gardens is a mutant of this variety – Antonówka one and a half pounds, also called Śmietankowa, also very resistant to frost. Unlike the common trees of this variety, they have strong trunks and form very large crowns, easily broken. The fruit ripens earlier than Antonówka Normal, giving very large fruits – do 600 g wagi.

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