Sweet corn

Sweet corn

The unripe seeds are the edible part of maize, in the so-called phase of milk maturity, containing a relatively high percentage of sugar and starch and almost all essential vitamins.

Maize is a plant that is not very sensitive to the forecrop, however, it requires soils that are rich in nutrients and water. Soils too wet, too succinct, hard to heat up are not suitable. On very fertile soils, In humus crops, maize can be grown in the second year after manure, on others, manure should be digged in the amount of manure in the fall 4 kg/m2. In spring you have to rake the bed, sow mineral fertilizers in doses: 25 g of calcium ammonium nitrate, 20 g superfosfatu i 20-40 g 40% potassium salt per 1 m2, then scorch and loot. Corn can be grown together with cucumbers, as a plant that protects them from the wind. Maize grown in beds in several rows always gives a higher yield, because it is easier to pollinate and sets seeds well. Seeds, protected against diseases with T, is sown, when the fear of frost is over, which can destroy plants. One seed is sown under a hoe, in rows distant by 50-60 cm. After emergence, the plants are left in a row of co 25-30 cm. The sowing depth depends on the type of soil and ranges from 2,5 cm (on heavy soils) do 4-5 cm (on light soils). On sowing 1 m2 required 2,5-3 g nasion.

The maintenance work is limited to weeding. If there are spots on the leaves, and the buds and inflorescence shoots will turn almost white, which is a sign of a lack of magnesium, you need to use the Mikro fertilizer mixture, according to the instructions on the packaging.

The flasks are then collected, when they are well filled with grain. It is best to cut them early in the morning. One plant can be obtained 2-3 kolby.

A very early variety of maize is Złota Dwarf (number of days from emergence to use – 90-100). It binds 2-3 spindle-shaped flasks, short, thick. The grain is small, wrinkled, light yellow, very tasty, delicate, juicy and sweet.

The heterotic variety Arna F is also very early, (ok. 90 days). Ties 1-2 conical flasks, medium size. Medium-sized grain, yellow, very tasty, maturing evenly. The variety Martek F is medium early, (110-120 days). One flask is slightly conical, short. Medium-sized grain, flat, light yellow to yellow in color, tasty and delicate.

The late variety is Aztec F., (130-140 days). Forms one conical flask, longer than Martek F,. Fine grain, colors from light yellow to yellow.

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