Glossy sage - Salvia splendens

Glossy sage - Salvia splendens

Its red flowers are gathered in spikes. It is primarily used to create city flower beds and planted in various flower containers on the streets of cities and neighborhoods. Due to the even growth, creating uniform, colorful - bright red spots and a long flowering period is an indispensable plant for these purposes.
Seeds are sown in February in boxes in a greenhouse into a frame soil with an admixture of sand. On 1 m2 is sown 10 g nasion. The seedlings are first plucked in the cotyledon phase with a spacing of 2X5 cm and the second time, when the first two leaves develop 8X8 cm apart or in pots with a diameter 8 cm. For quilted plants, the most appropriate temperature was 10-12 °. For the plants to flourish better, their tops should be removed, when at least two pairs of leaves are formed. Sometimes the peeled tops are used for herbaceous cuttings, of which sage reproduces very well. They are planted in a greenhouse in March - April and after rooting, they are planted in pots with a diameter of 8 cm. Sage is planted permanently in the ground in the third decade of May or at the beginning of June with spacing 20 X 25 cm the 30 X 30 cm - depending on the variety.
The sage blooms most profusely when planted in the sun, on well-tilled soil (but not directly on the manure) and sufficiently moist.

Bigger snapping, lion's face, snapdragon - Antirrhinum majus

It has red double-lip flowers, pink, salmon orange, yellow and white as well as in various shades of the above-mentioned colors, and often two-color, gathered in clusters of inflorescences.
The most common breeds are the following breeds that differ in height and size of flowers: large-sized lion's maw, gigantic lion's mouth, a low large-flowered lion's maw and a dwarf lion's maw.
The flowering period is in the summer and autumn months. It is sometimes grown for flower beds and cut flowers.
The seeds are sown in the second half of March and early April under moderate inspections. Using sparse sowing (2—2.5 g per 1 window) it is not necessary to prick seedlings; if we're going to quilt them, 3-4 g is sown per 1 inspection window. The quilts are 2X4 or 3X5 cm apart. The produced seedlings are planted into the ground in mid-May, using distances: for tall 30 cm, medium-high, 20-25 cm, low 15-20 cm.
Requires a sunny and fertile position, well moist soil.

Zatrwian - Static

Provides material for dry bunches and wreaths for the winter period. Only then should the flower shoots be cut, when all the flowers on the shoot are fully developed. It retains the right color even for several years. The flowering period is from June to late autumn.
Seeds should be poured in March-April for inspection into light soil, and after emergence, quilt at a distance of 5X6 cm. The ground is dropped off in mid-May with spacing 25 X 30 cm. A sunny position and well-cultivated, permeable soil provide the best conditions for proper development and abundant flowering.

Pyrethrum - Chrysanthemum

Of the annual species, the following are most often grown: 1) tricolor pyrethrum, 2) coronary pyrethrum, 3) maruna Złokula - also called golden chamomile.
All the mentioned species of chrysanthemum grow up to several dozen centimeters in height, flower baskets 5-6 cm in diameter, they are set on quite long stalks. Colored "petals", that is, lingual flowers are embedded in one outer whorl, the center of the basket is filled with tubular yellow or green-yellow flowers.
The first two species are grown as cut flowers. Maruna is grown for its nice light green and yellow foliage, because the flowers are tiny, inconspicuous, it is sometimes used on borders.
Seeds of tricolor and coronary pyrethrum are sown in April for inspection (5—6 g on 1 window), and at the beginning of May it is blown up to the ground in spacing 20 X 30 cm, depending on the variety and destination. They bloom most profusely and grow best in a sunny position in loamy-sandy soil.
Maruna is sown for a semi-warm inspectorate in the second half of March or at the beginning of April in the amount of 2-3 g per 1 window. The seedlings should be quilt at a 5X6 cm spacing, and from mid-May to leave permanently at a distance 20 X 25 cm.

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