Cape Lobelia - Lobelia erinus

Cape Lobelia - Lobelia erinus

It is a short and compact plant, growing up to 20 cm in height; the lowest to 10 cm high with light blue flowers, dark blue red and white. They bloom from June to fall.
Lobelia is most often used as a border plant, also suitable for placing on balconies and window boxes.
Seeds should be sown from February to March in boxes in the greenhouse, into light soil, deciduous with an admixture of peat and sand. On 1 m2 is sown 3 g nasion. After sowing, due to the very small seeds, they are not covered with earth, only water lightly through a fine strainer or with a sprayer.
The most suitable temperature for germinating seeds and young seedlings is 18 ° C. For the first time, plants are quilted in a pile using a wooden fork and a pin with a 2X2 cm spacing..
When the plants grow bigger, you should quilt a second time (this time you can inspect) also in tufts, using spacings: 6X7 cm or place in pots and place in the inspection window. They are blown up to the ground in the second half of May, with a distance of 10-12 X 15— 20 cm.
Lobelia requires a sunny location, moderately fertile land; in too fertile soils it grows abundantly, but it blooms less; also during the prevailing prolonged rainfall, flowers deteriorate; with the advent of the appropriate one, sunny weather, lobelia blooms again.

Nemezja - Nernesia

It is extremely decorative, profusely flowering plant with intensely colored flowers - red, orange, pink, white, as well as in various shades of these colors. Blooms from June to September. Plants that are trimmed after blossoming bloom a second time. It is sometimes planted in flower beds and is often used as a border plant. It is sown at the beginning of April for the inspectorate (2—3 g on 1 window) or at the beginning of May straight to the permanent place. When sowing directly into the ground, approx 50 g na 1 ar. The seedlings are planted in flowerbeds in mid-May, every 20-25 cm, and when sowing directly into the ground, the plants are interrupted leaving something 20 cm.

Everlasting, suchołuska blaszana — Helichrysum plate tum

Of the varieties of this species, the full-flowered variety is the most valuable; grows up to 80 cm in height, flowers are red, yellow, pink, rusty and white. It is most often used for cut flowers and for dry bouquets and wreaths. The flowers should be cut in half and the tied in bunches should be dried in the shade.
Seeds should be sown in late March or early April for inspection (4—5 g on 1 window). To be filled 1 macaw should be planted around 15 g nasion. The seedlings are planted into the ground in the beds in the second half of May, with spacing 25 X 30 cm.
You can also sow seeds directly into the ground at the end of April, but the flowering of the plants will begin later and will take less time. For this reason, this method of cultivation is used very rarely.
The dog tag requires a sunny position, fertile soil, moderately moist.

Garden petunia - Petunia hybrida

Most often it has single flowers with a funnel-shaped structure, in colors: purple, blue, red, pink, white and also multi-colored.
Dwarf varieties are known, dangling of different heights, large-flowered, as well as full-flower. They bloom from June until frost occurs.
Petunia is an essential plant for decorating balconies, residential houses and public places, like train stations, gardens next to cafes, etc., it is also used for discounts.
Petunia seeds are sown in February or early March in boxes (0,3—0.4 g per 1 mailbox) in greenhouses, to the ground frame 7. admixture of sand. Small-flowered petunia (discount) is usually sown for a warm inspection in mid-March (2,5-—3 g on 1 window). The seeds are not covered with soil, only lightly pats it into the ground and water it. When the seedlings will have two leaves, they are quilted with a 2X3 cm spacing, and when they grow up, transplant into peat-earth or clay pots; in the latter case after 1 do 3 pcs. in one pot, depending on the size of the pots.
Both from earthen pots, and clay petunias are transplanted permanently in the second half of May, with the following spacing being blown in the ground: tall varieties 25 X 30 cm, low varieties 15 X 20 cm. The dangling forms used to decorate balconies are planted into boxes in the amount of 5 to 6 pcs. and 1 mb of the box.
Do not blow the petunias too deep. Requires a solar stand, but tolerates partial shade quite well. It grows perfectly on any well-cultivated plant, moderately moist soil. It is drought resistant, sensitive to rainfall.

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