Portulaca grandiflora - Portulaca grandiflora

Portulaca grandiflora - Portulaca grandiflora

It is a small plant that is propagating, with fleshy stems and leaves and large, often full or semi-double red flowers, vermilion, purple, scarlet, pink, yellow or white. Requires light soil, warm and permeable. Purslane is most often used on the edges of flowerbeds, for discounts, and also for rock gardens.
Plants look best in full sun, in cloudy and rainy weather the flowers close together.
The purslane blooms 10-12 weeks after sowing, and the flowering period continues until late fall. In May they are sown directly on permanent sites in the amount of 2-3 g per 10 m2. Because the seeds are very fine, they are sown mixed with fine-grained, dry sand on the surface of the earth, just tapping them lightly.

Rezeda wonna - Reseda odorata

Rezeda is grown for its pleasant scent rather than its flowers, which are rather inconspicuous. It grows to a height of approx 40 cm.
It grows best in a sunny position, but also works in partial shade. Requires fertile soil, humus with a fairly high calcium content.
Reseda is often sown in home gardens, and also in flower beds and cut flower beds. It blooms from July to September. They are sown at the end of March or April; wanting to have longer flowering plants, sowing can be repeated several times until June - co 2 weeks.
It is sown at a distance of about 25-30 cm in a row from the row, in a row no more densely than what 10 cm. On 1 ar requires 80-100 g of seeds.

Seaside Smagliczka - Lobularia. mariiima

It is a short plant, reaching - depending on the variety - a height from 10 do 20 cn. Fragrant flowers, white or lilac, collected in cluster-type inflorescences. It blooms all summer. Requires a sunny location, she is not picky about the soil, grows well and in poor soils.
It is most often used as a border plant, also honey-bearing. When it fades before, it can then be cut, it will grow back and bloom again.
They are sown permanently in April, in row spacing co 20 cm, co-plants are left in the rows after emergence 5 cm. On 10 m2 of sowing area requires 5–6 g of seeds.

S u c h o k w i a t — Xeranthemum

It grows up to the height 40 cm. Flower baskets in lilac colors, pink and white, seated singly on quite long stalks. It blooms after 10 weeks after sowing, and the flowering period is in the summer months.
Requires a sunny location, fertile land, permeable. Dryflower is most often used for dry bouquets and wreaths, also can be used for flower arrangements in vases. Flowers should be cut half-opened and dried in a well-ventilated place.
Most often, in May, the dry flower is sown in permanent places in rows marked with co 30 cm, plants are left in the row every 10-15 cm. On 1 ar requires 80-100 g of seeds.

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