

Two species are most commonly grown: refined klarkia - growing more or less up to 70 cm in height, and clarkia beautiful - lower, growing to a height of approx 50 cm. The flowers grow along the stem in the leaf axils - in various colors: purple, pink, cream and white. There are varieties with single and full flowers. It blooms from the third decade of June to the end of July.
Klarkia requires a sunny location, grows well in any well-tilled soil.
It is most often grown in beds and beds, for a cut flower; full-flowered varieties are especially valuable for this purpose. You can also provide them with permanent discounts, perennial.
The seeds are sown into the ground in places continuously in the first days of April in rows every 20-25 cm. Plants are interrupted like this, that they remain at distances of not less than 10-15 cm. Plants, which is removed with compacted sowing, can be used as a seedling, dropping them off elsewhere. On 1 ar are sown in 80-100 g of seeds.

Łubin — Lupinuz

There are several species in cultivation, of which the most valuable in terms of the color of flowers, and the size of the inflorescences is the Hart lupine in eg a. It grows up to the height 70 cm, the flowers are multi-colored, sapphire, pink and white. The flowering period is in the summer and autumn months.
It grows best in a sunny position, on any soil, even the weaker sandy one. Perfect for a cut flower, as well as for rebates and flower beds.
Lupins are sown at the end of April - at the beginning of May in rows every 30-40 cm; 2-3 seeds are sown in rows each 20 cm. They come up best and fastest, when the seeds are sown into moist soil.

Calendula officinalis

The most valuable of the varieties of this species are the varieties with full and semi-double flowers. Currently, there are quite a lot of varieties known that differ in the size of the flower basket, arrangement of lingual flower petals and color. They come in colors: yellow, orange, apricot and various shades of the above-mentioned colors. There are also two-colored ones - often with darker edges of the petals, up to brown and black, inclusive (narrow, dark border). It is a very popular flower plant, suitable both for planting a flowerbed in the garden, and as a cut flower.
Marigolds grow to a height of 30-50 cm. They grow best in a sunny position, on well-tilled soil, moderately moist.
Marigolds are sown straight into the ground in early April (40- —60 g na ar) for permanent places, in rows every 20-30 cm. The seedlings are interrupted, leaving plants every 15-20 cm. It blooms after 10 weeks after sowing. Plants can be sown every few weeks - until July, then the flowering period will extend to frost.

Nasturcja — Tropaeolum,

It is a well-known and well-liked plant. Climbing and dwarf species are sometimes cultivated. The flowers are asymmetrical, in the shape of a cup ended with a spur, about colors: scarlet, orange and yellow. The flowering period is in the summer and autumn months.
It works well in a sunny position, on light soil, hotter, moderately fertile and moderately moist. Sown in the shade on very fertile soil, they develop very strong shoots and leaves, however, they bloom poorly.
Climbing nasturtium is used to plant balconies, gazebos and fences, and dwarf for discounts, and also on the borders. It is also a flower suitable for small bouquets.
Nasturtium is sown in the first half of May, not earlier, because this plant is sensitive to frost. Climbing species are sown in rows 40-50 cm apart, dwarf species - in rows approx 30 cm. The rows are sown every 15-20 cm after 2 seeds in one place at a depth of 2-3 centimeters. On 1 ar need approx 500 g nasion.

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