Annual ornamental plants grown from seedlings

Annual ornamental plants grown from seedlings

Production of seedlings

Annuals with a long growing season, sensitive to low temperatures, and such, whose germination period is quite long, should be sown in boxes in greenhouses or in frames, and plant the seedlings obtained from sowing into the ground.
Plants with a long growing season, sown into the ground with the onset of spring, they would bloom very late and for a short time - late summer or fall - and it would not always be possible to harvest the seeds from them.
Some of the plants are planted into the ground, and sensitive to spring frosts, after emergence, they could be damaged by low temperatures; to prevent it from happening, they are sown for inspection. When growing plants with a long period of seed germination, sowing under a warm inspection is necessary, because it accelerates germination and thus shortens the production period. Annual plants grown from seedlings include:. in. the tagetes, chinese aster, constantly blooming begonia, zinnia and others.
Seeds sown in boxes or inspection windows should be watered as needed, and the temperature should be regulated like this, to keep it at the most favorable level for germinating seeds, and then young plants. Temperature regulation is carried out by ventilating greenhouse buildings and frames, and in some cases by shading them
When the seedlings grow up, yes, that their leaves are touching, they should be quilted at a greater distance, for boxes or frames, where - properly cared for - they remain until they are planted in the ground. The seedling prepared in this way has a well-developed root system, she is strong, it is well accepted and in the end result the production is even, healthy and profusely flowering plants.

Planting and nursing

The produced and hardened seedling is planted permanently, using a spacing appropriate for each species and varieties. Rows are usually marked with a rope as follows: two people - standing at the opposite ends of the field intended for the cultivation of ornamental plants - stretch the rope - and in marked places, pulling it taut back and forth, they draw a row line. Rows can be marked faster with a multi-row marker. Such a marker is placed along the field; each next marker placement starts from the last marked row.
Both designation with a cord, and with the help of the marker it will be carried out correctly, when the field is level and well tilled.
Determining the distance in a row can be done with the appropriate size of the ring - which is used for blowing up, or with a marker - by designating only one - the first row, in the next one it is planted either in front of the one in the previous row, or on "five", that is, among the plants of the previous order that have been planted out; the plants planted in this way form a checkerboard pattern on the field.

After planting, the seedlings should be watered. In the event of prolonged drought, to ensure plant acceptance, watering should be repeated several times as needed.

When the plants catch on, approximately 7-10 days after planting, they can be fed with mineral fertilizers; Most often in this period, ammonium or calcium nitrate is used for young plants. The power supply is carried out in this way, the soil around the plant falls off (without touching or sprinkling the plant) a pinch of fertilizer that may be contained in three fingers. The fertilizer should always be spread on moist, never dry soil. Further cultivation during the growth of seedlings consists in removing weeds, loosening the soil and preventing the occurrence of diseases and pests.

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