Ever-flowering begonia - Begonia semperflorens

Ever-flowering begonia - Begonia semperflorens

It is a plant with both ornamental flowers, which may be red, pink or white, and leaves, for they are plentiful, shiny - green or feathery red.
Permanently flowering begonias are mainly used for carpet flower beds, discounts and borders, it can also be planted on balconies, in window boxes, on the graves, and also grown as a houseplant.
Growing continuously flowering begonias is quite laborious and difficult,. Seeds are sown in boxes in a greenhouse in January-February to leaf land with an admixture of peat and sand. The soil must be evaporated before use. Do 1 The boxes are sown with 0.3-0.5 g of seeds.
Seeds are sown in shedding, the ground in the box is slightly compressed (knocks), He waters with a sprayer and places the box in the greenhouse, in which the temperature should be 18-20 °. After the plants have emerged (3-4 weeks after sowing) they are quilted for the first time with a wooden fork and a thin pin. The seedlings are hooked up with the forks, gently transfers to the second box, lightly pinching the roots with a pin. Plants are picked in rows at a distance 1,5 X X 2,0 cm (500 seedlings in a box). After about four weeks, the begonias should be pierced a second time into boxes with a spacing of 3X4 cm. Usually, from mid-April, plants are planted for inspection at a distance of 8X8 cm or even 10 X 10 cm. Instead of planting directly in the inspection, you can also transplant the plants into peat-earth pots and place them in the inspection. This way you will get a seedling, which, when planted into the ground with the entire pot, will pass through the soil acceptance period, because the root system will not be disturbed.
When producing begonia seedlings, special attention should be paid to maintaining the right temperature and watering it properly; one must remember, that cold water, Casting in large drops can cause rotting and loss of plants. Begonia is planted permanently in mid-May or early June at a distance of 15-20 cm.
Begonia requires a sunny or slightly shaded position, light humus soil with the addition of sand, moderately fertile. In the event of prolonged drought, it should be watered.

Celosia, grzebionatka - Celosia

The name Grzebionatka comes from this, that one of the celosia species develops an inflorescence similar to a rooster's crest. This comb is red in color, pink, yellow or white, it is mounted on a flattened stem. Another species develops a plume-shaped inflorescence. The height of the plants is 25 do 40 cm, depending on the variety
This plant is usually grown as a bedding plant, when used on borders or to fill flower beds. It is also used to decorate graves, and sometimes as a houseplant.
Celosia seeds are sown in March - early April to the moderate inspectorate, and when the seedlings grow up, they are quilted with a 5X8 cm spacing or placed in pots and placed in an inspection area. For production 1000 plants need to be sown 2.5-3 g of seeds.
Celosia is sensitive to transplanting, therefore potting gives better production results. At the beginning of June, the celosia is planted in permanent places at a distance of 20-25 cm, always with a lump of earth. This plant requires heat throughout the growing period, grows and blooms profusely in a sunny position, on warm soil, fertile and well-drained.

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