Chinese aster, aster letni — Callistephus chinensis

Chinese aster, aster letni — Callistephus chinensis

It is very popular and one of the most beautiful summer and autumn flowers. Currently, several hundred varieties of asters with different types of baskets are in cultivation, as well as the height of the plant. The baskets can be single, half and full. Depending on the shape of the flowers, we distinguish asters: peoniowe, chrysanthemums, needle roller, etc..
Among the different types of these types are the tall asters varieties, growing up to 80-90 cm, medium tall - growing to 45 cm and dwarfs growing up to 25 cm in height. Within the various types, asters also have a full range of colors and come in a variety of colors, tones and shades - from dark purple and blue through scarlet and red to pink, salmon, apricot, yellow and white. They also differ in the size of the flower baskets, which may have a diameter of from 5 to 6 to 16 cm.
Among dwarf asters, the cultivars from the "Royal" group are valuable, from medium to tall, fit for cutting - varieties from groups: "American", "Californian", "Książęce", "Rose", "Needle" and "Peony".
The use of asters is very versatile, they are suitable for flower beds and rebates - especially low varieties for borders and for filling the rebate. All medium-tall asters are good for planting perennial groups, but primarily as a cut flower. Tall varieties are grown mainly for cut flowers. Aster flowers are very vital, and long after cutting, they stay fresh in a vessel with water. Plants tolerate transplanting well, even during the flowering period, therefore they can be grown in the field, and when flowering begins, replant to permanent places - flower beds and rebates. The flowering period of these plants begins in mid-July (early varieties) and lasts until autumn frosts.
Asters require a sunny location, fertile land, moderately moist, well grown and free from diseases and pests. They do not handle soil freshly fertilized with organic fertilizers, because then they get sick easily.
Aster seeds are sown in mid-March to the temperate inspectorate or in April to the inspect or on the seedbed. If the seedlings are quilted, they are planted more densely in the inspection (6—8 g/m2, depending on the germination rate), otherwise on 1 m2 are sown 3-4 g of seeds. When the seedlings have developed the first pair of leaves, quilting begins at 4X6 m spacing. When sowing on the seedbed, the plants are picked in the second half of May. When grown for cut flowers, dwarf varieties are planted every 20-25 cm, medium high and high - every 25-30 cm in a row, giving 4-5 rows per bed. When used in flower beds, the spacing for medium-tall varieties is 30 X 30 cm, for tall 40 X 40 cm.

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