Celosia, grzebionatka - Celosia

Celosia, grzebionatka - Celosia

The name Grzebionatka comes from this, that one of the celosia species develops an inflorescence similar to a rooster's crest. This comb is red in color, pink, yellow or white, it is mounted on a flattened stem. Another species develops a plume-shaped inflorescence. The height of the plants is 25 do 40 cm, depending on the variety
This plant is usually grown as a bedding plant, when used on borders or to fill flower beds. It is also used to decorate graves, and sometimes as a houseplant.
Celosia seeds are sown in March - early April to the moderate inspectorate, and when the seedlings grow up, they are quilted with a 5X8 cm spacing or placed in pots and placed in an inspection area. For production 1000 plants need to be sown 2.5-3 g of seeds.
Celosia is sensitive to transplanting, therefore potting gives better production results. At the beginning of June, the celosia is planted in permanent places at a distance of 20-25 cm, always with a lump of earth. This plant requires heat throughout the growing period, grows and blooms profusely in a sunny position, on warm soil, fertile and well-drained.

Zinnia elegant - Zinnia elegans

It is one of the most beautiful and valuable annual ornamental plants. The flowers are single or full with a diameter of 5 do 12 cm in colors: red, scarlet, orange, carmine, copper, yellow and white. It blooms from June until the first frosts. There are tall zinnia growing up to 90 cm and low to 40 cm, as well as liliputs and dwarfs growing up to 20 cm tall about small, full flower baskets, mounted on short shoots; they form compact, low tufts of plants.
Most often, zinnia is planted in flower beds and flower beds, and also used for planting various perennial beds, Dwarf and liliput varieties are suitable for borders and carpet flower beds. Zinnia is also a good plant material for cutting - it stays fresh in the water long after cutting, however, it is sensitive to transport, because the baskets break easily at the base.
Seeds are sown at the end of March for a warm inspection, preferably in rows, although sometimes broadcast seeding is also used. On 1 the window is sowing 15 g (sparse sowing) do 25 g (dense sowing) seeds. When sowing densely, the plants should then be quilt, when the first leaf appears (before that, two cotyledons grow) spaced 5X5 cm. Planting the seedlings in pots is also a good way to prepare zinnia seedlings. During the emergence and seedling phase, the temperature of the inspection should be kept at around 18 °.
The ground is permanently planted in the third decade of May after the last spring frosts have passed, at intervals of 30-35 cm for tall varieties, 15—20 cm - for the short.
Exaggeration, especially with a lump of earth, zinnia tolerates very well.
Zinnia seeds can, if necessary, be sown directly into the ground in early May. The plants produced in this way bloom no worse than those obtained from seedlings, but later - only in July. It grows best in a sunny position in warm soil, well fertilized and moist.

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