The earliest carrot harvest is obtained from sowing in the inspection and in a removable box, the so-called. itinerant. In such a box you can sow carrots as early as autumn, just before frost, so that it does not have time to sprout before winter. Carrot sowing rows should be marked with pins in autumn, to be able to plant a radish in the inter-rows in February or early March, copper itp. vegetables. After the ground freezes to depth in autumn 2-3 cm cover the sowing thickly with straw, straw manure, leaves, plant stems, etc., to protect the ground from freezing deeper. In the second half of February, in sunny weather, we throw off the covering, The chest is poured over it when it is strongly heated (from 80-90 ° C) water, to accelerate the thawing of the earth, then we cover it with windows and mats. No light is needed until the plants emerge.
Carrot sowing into such a box can also be done in the second half of February or in early March. Carrots are sown in a box and in a row at the inspection 6-8 cm. After emergence, we break it in a row, initially leaving the co 1,5-2 cm. Then we remove every second plant for home use. You need one inspection window in uniform cultivation 3-4 g nasion, when growing coordinated with other vegetables, no more than 2-2,5 g. The period since the emergence (po 8-16 days after sowing) to the equipment of the first carrots is 60-75 days. We use the Paris variety for such cultivation.
Sowing in foil tunnels and for perforated foil is done in co-rows 20 cm, and the plants in the row are left with what 1-2 cm. Perforated foil is usually kept until full emergence, only if the carrots have little weed and not too dense hay, and the weather is cool, it is left to the leaf stage.
Like carrots, parsley is grown under foil, however, during spring sowing, it is worth adding some radish seeds to the seeds of carrots and parsley (frame varieties or early ground varieties), which rise earlier, they will delimit the rows, making weeding easier.


In warm frames, the first radish sowing can be done at the end of January, and for harvesting continuity, it is sown approximately at 10-day intervals until mid-March. Varieties are used for these sowing: Rocks, Rowa and Silesia. These varieties are also sown in early spring, covered with a foil tunnel or perforated foil. Rows should be arranged every 15-20 cm, and in a row, the distance between plants should be approx 2 cm. In inspect, the lumps grow up (in the cold) in April, in tunnels and under perforated foil, usually in early May. The perforated foil should be removed, when the plants have their first leaves, that is after 2-4 weeks after sowing.


Cucumbers in frames must be heavily fertilized. They grow well in humus-rich soil, therefore you have to predict about 100 kg of compost or decomposed manure per 1 inspection window. Mineral fertilizers are added during the preparation of the land in quantity 30 g saletrzaku i po 50 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate on 1 window. Prepare the seedlings for 4 weeks before the anticipated planting date, sowing after 2-3 seeds for containers with a diameter 7-9 cm filled to 2/3 frame soil with the addition of sand and peat. As the plants grow, the container is gradually filled with soil. The seedlings are planted in the warm inspect at the end of February, to moderate – in March or April, depending on the temperature in the box. Two plants are placed on the mounds under each inspection window, which prevent water from accumulating at the root neck, which would risk rotting her. The optimum temperature for cucumber growth is around 25 ° C. Cucumbers require frequent watering, too sunny on the day – shading.

For cultivation in a tunnel or under a perforated film, planting, prepared seedlings as before, should be delayed even until the second half of May. The seedlings are planted in co-rows 25-40 cm; the distance between the rows should be 80-100 cm. The perforated foil is left on the seedling cucumbers until the flower buds appear. Only in hot weather you need to take it off earlier. Perforated foil should not be removed in sunny and windy weather, nor in cold weather. In higher tunnels, it is recommended to lead the plants with strings attached to the structure.

A cucumber in a warm inspection can start yielding already at the end of May. In a cold inspection and under foil, cucumbers grown from seedlings begin to yield at the end of June. In order to obtain the earliest and most abundant harvest, the cucumbers must be cut. Pruning ensures a balance between growth and flowering, limiting the size of the plant to those necessary for good fruiting. The main shoot is trimmed above the second leaf to obtain two first-row side shoots; shoots of the first row are pruned behind the fourth leaf. There will be eight second-order shoots on one plant in total, which are then pruned behind the fifth leaf. Only sterile shoots are still removed, and the rest are shortened above the leaf immediately after the last remaining seedling. There are several ways to cut cucumbers depending on how they are grown.

The Warszawski Inspektowy variety is used for the cultivation of the frame, for greenhouses and under foil from short-fruit: Skierniewicki and Iwa and long-fruit: Farbio F„ Pepinex 69 F,, Atos F „Replica, Polo F, i Sandra F,.

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