In order to obtain an earlier harvest of vegetables, which is of great importance to our family budget, the following measures should be used:

– selection for growing early varieties, about which we can find out from the printed by the Association "Polnas” catalogs and professional literature;

– growing vegetables from quilted and potted seedlings;

– autumn sowing of vegetables (carrots, parsley, spinach) and autumn planting of spring onions and garlic; Also in spring, a planted spring onions will ensure an earlier harvest of onions;

– early spring sowing and sowing of germinated seeds;

– special cultivation methods, like for example. growing onions from spring onions, pre-sprouting of potatoes;

– inter-row mulching, black foil;

– use of various types of covers, e.g. straw mats, sheets of paper, panes in wooden frames, glass panes mounted on scaffolding, polyethylene foil stretched over the rails or thin perforated foil (80-100 holes in diameter 1 cm and 1 m2 – without construction), located on plants (all these opaque covers must be removed by day; only the glass and foil covers stay above the plants for longer periods; they only require tilting or lifting for airing and watering).

Here are some ways to speed up your vegetable harvest [6].


Rhubarb can be made to start growing earlier by covering the planted carp (one or more) plain or perforated foil. The foil should be put in place, where rhubarb grows in early spring, loosely, so that the sprouting leaves can lift it. It can be kept on plants until harvest begins.

Similarly, the asparagus harvesting is accelerated by covering the sprinkled on a strong root (karp) flat with foil, as shown in the picture 65. The foil is removed to collect the tabs that grow up to the foil. The foil can be whole or perforated.

We encourage the clumps of chives growing on the plot to grow earlier by placing a roof over them made of small window panes or by covering them with pieces of perforated foil. Because the chives leaves are delicate and under the weight of the foil they can deform, we remove the cover from the foil, when the leaves are a few centimeters.


For the production of very early roses, cauliflower or broccoli, cabbage heads or kohlrabi bulbs, prepare a healthy potted seedling, which we plant for inspection in March (until cold at the end of the month) or in tunnels and under perforated foil in late March – in the first half of April. Kohlrabi is planted at a distance 20-25 cm, seedling of early cruciferous vegetables – co 40 cm.

The perforated film is held on the seedling of cruciferous vegetables by 2-3 weeks, The portable frame or foil tunnel lasts until the beginning of May. Cauliflower harvest, broccoli and early cabbage are usually achieved two months after planting, kalarepy – after a month or a little later.


The earliest lettuce can be obtained at the inspection, by planting it from the previously prepared seedlings in pots. It is planted, when it has 3-4 leaves, spaced 20X15 cm, and later varieties 20X20 cm. In warmer weather, you can put it under low and perforated foil at the turn of March and April. Close, large heads are obtained on average six weeks after planting. Leaf rosettes can be harvested much earlier. Perforated foil should be held above the lettuce on average 2-3 weeks. Varieties are recommended for cultivation in frames and foil tunnels: As 44, blonde, Boettnera, Ray, Reskia, Saskia, Sonata, Bronowicka, Large i Bryant.


The earliest harvest can be obtained from autumn sowing (in September). In March, the plants should be covered with perforated foil, which we keep for harvesting in cool weather. You can also sow in the spring – in an inspection or tunnel – in dense rows (co 10-15 cm), interrupting yes, that the distance between plants in a row is 2-5 cm. They are suitable for sowing in the winter: Winter giant, Matador 30, for an inspection or tunnel – Herma variation.

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