White cabbage, Red

White cabbage

Cabbage is undemanding to heat. Well-rooted and hardened seedling tolerates frosts down to -5 ° C, and in the autumn the heads sprout to -8 ° C. However, under the influence of long-lasting spring cold weather (below + 12 ° C) the seedling may turn to yellow, as a result of which the plants produce flower shoots, without tying the heads. Cabbage grows best at a temperature of 14-18 ° C; does not bind the heads at high temperatures. Cabbage is sensitive to the lack of light: the seedlings on the shaded seedbed “stretch out”, and plants growing e.g.. pod’ trees bind their heads poorly.
Cabbage requires high soil moisture and air, therefore it grows badly on sand. On acidified soils, it is affected by a dangerous disease – syphilitic cabbage. It is a "voracious plant."”, requiring very large amounts of nutrients. Early cabbage is usually grown in the second year after manure, but it can be planted in the following years, provided that high doses of mineral fertilizers are used (30 g saletrzaku i po 40-50 g superphosphate and 40 percent potassium salt before planting and 30 g of ammonium nitrate for top dressing 1 m2) and watering. Due to diseases and pests, a break in cabbage cultivation on the same plot should be at least 4-5 years.

Early cabbage is sown in mid-February in a warm inspect or in a box in the apartment (at a temperature of 10-15 ° C). When the cotyledons develop, the seedlings are pricked into fertile pots, humus soil. In mid-April, seedlings, previously hardened by airing or exposure to the court, planted into the ground with a spacing of 50X40-50 cm. After the seedlings are accepted, fertilize the cabbage top dressing with ammonium nitrate in a dose 10 g/m2. As the side cabbage leaves begin to cover the ground and the heads begin to form, you need to fertilize the cabbage with ammonium nitrate again (20 g/m2). The early cabbage is not covered with soil. Harvesting begins at the end of June, and the harvest is 2-3 kg z 1 m2.

The selection recommended for cultivation are from early cabbage varieties 2 earliest: Agat F, – very early, the head is moderately firm, tasty, delicate and Ditmarska The earliest – very popular, with good brevity of the heads, requiring careful cultivation.

We sow the medium-early cabbage at the end of March or at the beginning of April for a cold inspection or on a seedbed in rows every 10 cm. The seedlings are planted from mid-May at a distance of 50X60 cm or 60X60 cm. If the terrain is low and rainfall does not soak into the soil, recommended in 2 weeks after planting, round the cabbage, but yes, so as not to cover the leaves. During the growth, you need cabbage 2-3 times to feed with nitrogen fertilizers. The harvest is in August and September; the yield is 5-7 kg z 1 m2.

They are medium-early varieties: First Harvest – the head is concise, light green, soft; Ulrich's centenary – good brevity of the head, requires good soil; Jubilee – the head is concise, very fertile, but requiring a good job, suitable for souring; Fame of Enkhuizen – the head is moderately firm, reliable in yielding, prone to cracking.

Red cabbage

Red cabbage is grown for autumn and winter use. It requires heavier and more fertile soils, also more responsive to the lack of water. It has a greater demand for potassium than white cabbage – the stronger the potassium fertilization is, the more intensely colored the leaves are purple-red.
Early varieties – Haco and Koda are grown for summer use. Then they are sown in mid-February for a warm inspection or for the autumn harvest – for the seedbed in mid-May. Medium late varieties – Kissendrup and Dutch plants are sown in the seedbed in the second half of April. The latest variety is Langendijker Dauer (150-160 days from planting seedlings to harvest); it is planted in a permanent place at the end of May. Early varieties are planted at a distance of 50X40 cm, late – 60X40-50 cm. Langendijker variety should be grown in good soil and fertilization conditions, planting at a distance of 70X70 cm. It is the best variety for winter storage. The yield is 2-4 kg z 1 m2.


Savoy cabbage is distinguished by its folded leaves. It creates smaller and looser heads. It is more resistant to frost and drought than white cabbage. Cultivation, fertilization and care are the same, like white cabbage.
The earliest variety is Przodownica, with strongly crinkled leaves and medium-dense head. The medium late variety is Vertus. It has a short head, leaves finely crinkled, it is resistant to autumn chill. Langendijker Dauer is grown for storage, planted at the end of May:

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