Perennials that do not winter in the ground

Perennials that do not winter in the ground

Begonia bulwiasta — Begonia tuberhybrida

Tuberous begonia is mainly used in flower beds. It is distinguished by great ones, colorful flowers. It blooms from May to autumn. It reproduces with tubers. These tubers can be split into several pieces, each of which should have a well-developed bud. To this end, tubers should be planted in boxes in March and placed in a greenhouse with a temperature of 20-25 °. We perform tuber cutting after clear bud development. After the cutting surface is dry, plant the tubers in the pots, in which they remain until they are planted in flower beds, i.e.. by the end of May.
Tuberous begonia requires fertile and adequately moist soil and slightly shaded positions.
In September, we dig out the tubers and, after cleaning, store them in cool rooms, covered with peat.

Garden dahlia - Dahlia hybrida

It is a very widespread plant in gardens. The cultivated varieties range in height from 30 do 200 cm. They are used for cut flowers and for planting flower beds. In the latter case, the newer dwarf varieties are especially appreciated, characterized by long-lasting and very profuse flowering. Dahlia flowers are very diverse in structure and color. Therefore, there are varieties with single flowers, full and half full, consisting of petals of various shapes. Among the flowers of dahlias you can find all colors except black and pure blue.
Dahlias are reproduced in May by dividing carp, which have thickened roots in the form of tubers. Dahlias are propagated on a large scale by cuttings. For this, in February or March, stumps are placed in a greenhouse or a warm inspection, and then cuttings are cut from the emerging shoots. Plant in clean sand in a 20 ° multiplier. Rooted cuttings are planted in pots and placed in an inspection frame until planting.
Dahlias grow best in fertile and sufficiently moist soils. They require sunny positions and sheltered from strong winds. Tall varieties grown for cut flowers need to be staked and tied.
After the first frosts, dahlias are dug up. Carps should be kept in a dry and cool room, protecting against cold.

Mieczyk gandawski - Gladiolus gandavensis

It is a very widespread plant, mainly grown as a cut flower. It blooms from July to September. The flowers are characterized by a very wide range of colors and shades.
Gladioli is propagated with the help of bulbs produced by them in large numbers.
Propagation from seeds is used only in breeding.
Gladioli require a very fertile soil, loose and sufficiently moist. Plant only in sunny and sheltered positions, which can overturn plants.
The tubers are planted in early May, to a depth of 8-10 cm. Nurturing consists of weeding and watering during drought. Do not water with too strong a stream of water, because plants in very soft ground fall easily over. Fully flowering plants are especially easy to overturn; if necessary, they should be tied to the supports. It is highly recommended to cover the soil between the plants with rotten manure or peat compost.
After the vegetation is over, around October, we dig up the plants and cut the shoots on 5 cm above the bulb. We store them in dry and cool rooms until they are completely dry. Then we clean the tubers from the remnants of the shoot and roots, and separate and sort the young tubers..
We store the tubers over the winter in a dry and cool place at a temperature of 5-10 °.

Garden pouch, kanna - Canna hyhrida

It is a plant of up to 1,5 m found on flowerbeds. It is characterized by beautiful yellow flowers, pink or red, and nice leaves, often purple-brown. It blooms from mid-July until the first frost.
The beadlets form short and thick rhizomes, which, in order to reproduce these plants, are divided into smaller ones. We start dividing in March, when planting rhizomes into pots. We place them on tables in a greenhouse with a temperature of 18 ° or in frames. The bead is blown up in May.
Beadlets require a very fertile soil, rich in humus and deeply cultivated.
These plants do not tolerate drought badly and therefore should be watered abundantly during the summer, They require sunny positions.
After the first frost, the plants are dug up and the stem is cut 10-15 cm high. Rhizomes are stored in a dry and cool place, most often under the tables in a cool greenhouse.

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