Iris, irys — Iris

Iris, irys — Iris

Irises are one of the most valuable and widespread perennials. The varieties grown in the gardens belong to a dozen or so species. They are narrow plants, lanceolate leaves, having thick rhizomes. The height of the varieties varies widely and ranges from 25 do 120 cm.
The great advantage of irises is their long-lasting decorativeness. The leaves have a decorative value throughout the season. The flowering period of early varieties begins in the first half of May. Later varieties bloom until the end of June. Iris flowers are characterized by an extremely wide range of colors. Most varieties have two-color flowers.
The colors of the flowers are very pure and intense, which determines the high decorative value of irises.
Irises are very lively. They can grow even under very unfavorable conditions. Irises achieve healthy growth and abundant flowering under favorable conditions. They require quite fertile soil, humus and adequately permeable. They hate very dry positions, e.g. close to trees or shrubs with a shallow root system. Only some special species can be planted in very humid places. Irises can tolerate the acidification of the earth well.
They require sunny positions, they grow quite well in slightly shaded places.
Irises are propagated by division of rhizomes, which can be cut into short pieces. You can divide in the spring or after flowering until the end of August. Plants from rhizomes planted in spring bloom poorly in the first year.
Plant care is based on removing faded flowers and stems.
Irises should be transplanted to new positions every 5-8 years. You can also dig up plants, feed the soil with rotten fertilizer and plant the rhizomes again in the same places.
The currently used garden varieties are completely frost-resistant and do not require winter cover.
Irises, apart from being widely used in bedding compositions, are a valuable material for cut flowers.

Liliowiec — Hemerocallis

This perennial is today widely regarded as one of the best, next to irises and funkias. There are many varieties in cultivation that differ in size, flowering period and color of flowers.
The height of the plants varies and ranges from 30 do 80 cm. Early varieties bloom already in mid-May. Late blooms in early September.
Early varieties are characterized by a very wide range of flower colors, from yellow to red and purple-purple.
Beautiful and long-lasting foliage is a valuable feature of daylilies.
Liliowce, just like irises, they are able to survive in bad conditions, however, the full decorative effect is achieved in fertile and sufficiently moist soil. They require a lot of light. They grow well, although they bloom less, in slightly shaded places. Daylilies reproduce by dividing older plants in spring.

Lupine polyphyllus - Lupinus polyphyllus

In garden cultivation, seedlings of various breeds of this species are most often found, with flowers of almost all colors. They bloom in June. Plant height from 60 do 120 cm. Very nice foliage is of great decorative value. The flowers are gathered in long ear-shaped inflorescences.
The most valued are Russell hybrids, Downera i Ruys’a, about pink flowers, orange, creamy, carmine, as well as two-color.
These plants can be planted in perennial beds, in groups on lawns and grown as a cut flower.
Lupins are usually propagated from seeds. More valuable varieties can be propagated by cutting the shoots, however, it is a difficult way. It should be sown like this, that the plants should be placed every 30-50 cm.
Not all cultivated plants are completely winter hardy, especially on heavy soils. Due to the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, lupins grow well even in very poor soils. However, they require sufficient soil moisture.
One of the most important care procedures is the removal of faded inflorescences in order to prevent the seeds from ripening. Failure to do so may cause a very troublesome infestation with seedlings, which, among other perennials, can be very difficult to remove. Properly early trimming of fading inflorescences may cause plants to bloom at the end of summer.

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