
Annual plants are plants, which sown, are growing, are blooming, they bear fruit and seeds in one growing season, and after the seed is formed, they die.

Two groups can be distinguished among annual ornamental plants: plants, which are grown directly in the ground at all times, i.e.. they are sown into the ground in permanent places, where they will grow and bloom, and plants, which are planted into the ground in the form of seedlings.

Growing these plants is very simple, the seeds are sown directly into the ground in beds or beds, in a well-cultivated and fertilized land. The basic date for sowing seeds of these plants in our conditions is April and the first half of May. Sometimes they are sown at intervals throughout the summer, an extended flowering period for these plants is then obtained. Some species can also be sown in late fall.


Three species are most commonly grown.

Cornflower with blue inflorescences, purple, .pink and white, grows to a height of 50-70 cn.; there are also low forms of this species, growing up to 30 cm in height.

Depending on the sowing time, it blooms from June to autumn. It blooms after 10 weeks after sowing.

The sweet cornflower grows to a height 80 cm, flowers are larger than the previous one, blue, purple, yellow and white. It blooms in July and August.

The imperial cornflower has very large, purple flower baskets, pink and white. It grows up to 70 cm in height.

Cornflower works best in sunny places. It grows well in any well-drained garden soil. It dies in the shade and in wet soils.

Most often, cornflowers are grown as a cut flower, and also on discounts.

The seeds of all the cornflowers mentioned above are sown in the ground at the beginning of April, they can also be sown in the fall, an earlier flowering is then obtained. On sowing 1 macaw requires 60-100 g of seeds. Plants sown in spring bloom in July, sown in the fall - in June. Young plants from autumn sowing should be protected against frost by covering them with branches of coniferous trees during the winter..

Plants should be grown in rows marked every 25-30 cm, and grow in rows every 15-20 cm; in the case of more dense sowing, the plants should be discontinued.

When growing for seeds, baskets with mature seeds should be collected only from healthy plants, strong and from cultivar-pure plantations. There may not be any specimens that differ in such a color on a seed plantation, and heights. If such plants are present, a "selection" must be carried out, i.e.. remove all unusual plants for a given variety from the field in the early flowering period.

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