Leathery tomato

Leathery tomato

A leathery tomato or a mushroom (Physalis ixocarpa) is a new crop, brought to Poland by prof. Leszek Jankiewicz w 1982 r. It is a close relative of Franchet's apple and the Brazilian raisin. The shape of the leaf is similar to that of a pepper, but the plants are wider in habit and their shoots are more dense. Fruit, just like the fruit of the Brazilian raisin, are in an additional casing. It is drought-resistant and does not require abundant fertilization. This plant should be planted in light and dry soils, and in a rainless season, water. On such soil during the period of fruit ripening, when the plants are spread out on the ground, the fruit won't get sick.

The plant has a short growing season – similar to early dwarf tomatoes. Ripe fruits take a yellowish color and easily fall off the plants, and the outer green cap turns brown and dries up.. Its heat requirements are similar to those of a tomato. It is grown like a tomato, except that the seeds of the leathery tomato are very small. They are planted in boxes in mid-April. After emergence, it should be unpacked and in the second half of May, planted in the ground with a spacing of 100 x 60 cm. The fruit cannot be eaten raw, but after a short boiling in salt water.

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