

Chives are a durable plant, which forms clumps of tiny bulbs. In one place, however, it should not grow longer than 4 years. Chives are not sensitive to frost and winter very well in the ground without any cover. It grows well in slightly shaded and sufficiently moist places. The zagon is fertilized with rotten manure in the fall (5-6 kg/m2) and mineral fertilizers in doses na 1 m2: 25 g superfosfatu i 25-30 g 40% potassium salt.

Propagate chives by seed or by dividing clumps. We sow the seeds on the seedbed in the amount 5 g na 1 m2, in rows what 6 cm, as early as possible. Po 2 months after sowing, usually in May, the seedlings are planted in a permanent place with a spacing of 30X20 cm, one place is planted 5-8 plants, to form small clumps right away. You plant so deep, like chives grew on the seedbed. When reproducing by division, usually after harvest, clumps are dug up and divided into several parts, which is blowing up to a new place.

The maintenance work consists in weeding and sprinkling with mineral fertilizers in a dose every year 30 g of calcium ammonium nitrate, 10 g superfosfatu i 20 g of potassium sulfate per 1 m2. Flower shoots are cut, so that they do not weaken the growth of the chives.

The chives can be harvested from April to late autumn. WITH 1 m2 is obtained approx 2,3 kg of chives. The chives can be driven indoors in winter, planted in boxes.

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