For planting, you should take stocky seedlings, not pulled out, with strong, thick, juicy stalk. The leaves should be placed close together, intensely green. When choosing a seedling from a seedbed or a container, need caution, so as not to shake the ground too much. The root ball should be large, root as least damaged as possible. The health of the seedlings should also be checked, and therefore whether there are no symptoms of disease, such as: stains and a mealy coating on the leaves, narrowing and blackening of the lower part of the stems (black leg), growths on the roots and aphids or other pests on the roots. It should be planted on cloudy days, and if the weather is sunny, it's in the afternoon.

After the rows and distances have been marked out, we proceed to planting, helping myself special, pointed pin, the so-called. sadzakiem. First, use it to make a hole of this size in the ground, that the root ball can fit freely in it.
then holding the seedling with your left hand, we put the root in the well, so that it does not get wrapped, on the right, drive the peg diagonally next to the plant as deep as possible. By straightening the peg, it presses the soil to the root ball. After removing the plug, cover the hole with soil. When planting in fluffy soil, we can make a dimple with our hand and use it to pinch the ground after planting the plant.

The planting depth depends on the plant species. A seedling of vegetables, which have the ability to release the so-called. adventitious roots (cruciferous, tomatoes), we plant deeper, but yes, so as not to overwhelm the apical bud. Lettuce seedlings, celery, Kohlrabi should be planted shallow, i.e.. in depth, on which it grew in the inspection or seedbed. Planted plants should be watered, and cover wet places with dry earth, to prevent evaporation of the wetted surface.


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