

Before the spread of potatoes and carrots, parsnips were grown and consumed quite often in Poland, nowadays it belongs unfairly to a rare vegetable. Parsnips storage roots are characterized by relatively high nutritional value. They contain 17-19% dry weight [30]. In fresh roots, it is found from 5 do 10,5% sugars and approx 0,8% proteins. The dietary properties of the roots of this plant are related to their physiologically alkaline reaction, the presence of fiber, mineral salts, vitamins C., B, and B2 and provitamins A. Besides, in 100 g fresh weight is 150 mg phosphorus, 45 mg of calcium i 2 mg of iron. Parsnips can be eaten like asparagus, in the form of a thick soup or as a puree for meat. The root puree is used to fry the pancakes. It is used as a spice and in the form of dried fruit. Nać is a valuable animal feed, especially for pigs.

Parsnips should be grown in fertile and deep soils, reasonably permeable, damp, neutral or slightly alkaline. Very heavy soils, zlewne, with spring stagnation of water are not suitable for its cultivation. Pasternak, resistant to frost, it can hibernate in the ground without any cover. Due to the deep root system, parsnips require very careful cultivation, just like parsley. The wagon prepared for sowing should be deeply dug and fertilized in the autumn. Before sowing, mineral fertilizers are applied in doses per 1 m2:40 g superphosphate, 30 g of potassium sulfate or 40 g 40% potassium salt i 15 g of ammonium sulfate. Parsnips hate fresh liming. The standard dose is taken as 15 g N, 10 g P205 i 25 g K20 na 1 m2. Parsnips are sown as early as possible, because it has a long growing season (150- 185 days), in rows what 20-40 cm, depending on the method of cultivation. The depth of the seed cover 0,5-1,5 cm.

Due to the long period of germination, it is worth adding some seeds of rapidly germinating vegetables to the parsnip seeds, e.g. radishes, to draw rows. Parsnips in ridges are sown in catchment and wet soils. When young seedlings have 4-5 leaflets, they are interrupted, leaving 15-20 cm gaps. In July and August, plants are fed with nitrogen fertilizers. The roots are dug out in late autumn with a flat-toothed pitchfork. The average yield is 3-4 kg z 1 m2. Parsnips keep very well. There is only one variety on the market – Half-length White. It is a late variety, with a root length of approx 25 cm.

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