

Carrots because of their nutritional value (significant amounts of iron, calcium and phosphorus, and most of all vitamin A.) it occupies a prominent place among vegetables. It works very well in our climate in almost all soils, except heavy, draining, on which its seeds grow worse, and the roots are prone to cracking and distorting; grows very well on peat.

You have to dig the carrot zipper quite deep, in the fall after sprinkling half the dose of potassium fertilizers (10-18 g) and phosphorus (10-15 g na 1 m2). In spring, you need to rake and fertilize with mineral fertilizers in doses on 1 m2: 10-15 g of calcium ammonium nitrate, 10-15 g superfosfatu i 10-18 g 40% potassium salt. After fertilization, it is advisable to drill the soil and rake it.

In amateur production, in order to extend the period of use, we use different sowing dates. For the early harvest, we sow early varieties in spring or November from early December, so that the seeds do not sprout before winter; we sow in rows what 15-20 cm. For the summer and autumn harvest, we sow carrots of suitable varieties from April to the end of May, in rows what 20-30 cm, and we stop at a distance 2-3 cm. For winter storage, we sow late varieties in the first half of May, medium early – at the end of May, in rows what 35-40 cm. After the plant has emerged, we stop what 3 cm. The seed cover thickness for all sowing should be 1-2 cm. Due to the long emergence of carrots, it is recommended to add seeds of fast-emerging plants when sowing, e.g. spinach, which will mark the rows. When the first leaves develop in the carrots and then again in 3-4 weeks later, it must be supplied with nitrogen.

Harvest early carrots gradually, when the root is in diameter 1,5 cm, in June and July. The yield of grown carrots is 2-4 kg z 1 m2. The early varieties are: Parisian – earliest, about little, short root (3-4 cm), for cultivation in warm and cold frames as well as in the ground under covers or in quiet places; Duwicka, Fr. 10-15 days later than the previous one, root of length 6-10 cm, thickness 3-5 cm, suitable for early field cultivation and in frames, tolerates lower temperatures well; Sown in August, it sprouts before frost, and after being covered with leaves, it can be used until the end of December; tasty, good for preserves; Amsterdamska - later than Duwicka by approx 7 days, suitable for frame cultivation (also thanks to the small amount of cuttings); long storage root 7-8 cm in a frame cultivation, 13-15 cm in the ground, walcowaty, slightly tapering downwards, rounded at the end, dark orange, early colors; clear transverse notches on the skin; Delicate root pulp, fragile, juicy; First Set - later than the previous ones, suitable for growing in cold frames and in the ground; storage root approx. 11 cm, walcowaty, blunt ended, or a wide top, merging into a thick wedge-shaped tap root; juicy flesh, tasty; With – the newest variety – crossbreed; storage root cylindrical to slightly conical, length 12 cm, diameter 3 cm; root tip rounded to semi-sharp; uniform color of the cortex and core, dark orange; suitable for preserves.

Medium early varieties: IMantejska – suitable for summer and autumn harvesting; long storage root 10-15 cm, walcowaty, slightly concave at the base of the leaves, rounded at the bottom; tasty, soft, juicy and tender, it keeps worse; Lenka – selected from Nantejska, hence retaining many of its features; less delicate, very good winter preservation; storage root approx. 13 cm, widened top, tapering gradually downwards, blunt ended; Selecta – cultivated for autumn and winter use; in storage; root of length 10-16 cm, slightly conical or cylindrical, blunt ended; perfect for canning, juices and purees for children, with high carotene content; the bark and the axial cylinder almost uniform, dark orange.

Late varieties: Nord – very fertile, with high carotene content; suitable for preserves for children and for winter use; long storage root 10-14 cm, convergent, blunt ended; Bercoro – for autumn harvesting and for winter use; storage root in length 12-18 cm, cylindrical or slightly conical, rounded or slightly pointed at the bottom; Perfection – very fertile, stores well; long storage root 14-19 cm, cylindrical or gradually tapering downwards; juicy flesh, very tasty; Amager – cultivated for winter use, very stable in storage, very fertile; storage root length to 20 cm, tapering gradually downwards and turning into a fairly thick tap root, hard flesh, not very delicate; Vita Longa – root long, slightly conical, blunt ended, well stained, with an almost invisible core, no tendency to crack; high content of carotene and sugars; stores very well; Karlena - the latest, very fertile; can be stored until the end of March; root of length 15-19 cm, cylindrical to slightly conical in shape, intense orange.

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