The first year of running the nursery

In large nurseries, the division of land into plots should be adapted to
the possibility of mechanization of many care treatments, and most of all protection, soil cultivation and tree digging. For this purpose, the rootstocks in the nursery are planted as quarters (belts) typically spanning an odd number of rows: 9, 11, and even 13 and leaving the road, i.e.. a free space of three rows between the rows. This system of setting up nurseries allows for an intensive protection program and facilitates the organization of work, especially in the period of mechanical tree excavation.
Large-scale nurseries with high-clearance stilt tractors will be able to plant more rows on plots in strips. This will allow you to plant the number of rootstocks on the surface 1 ha increase on average by 10%.

The most suitable planting date for rootstocks is late autumn (October, November). Autumn planting promotes better root system regeneration and usually ensures stronger rootstock growth in spring.
In practice, the most common generative rootstocks of pome trees, which are more resistant to frost, is planted in the fall, and seed-tree rootstocks and vegetative rootstocks for pome trees are planted in early spring.
The rootstocks are usually planted in rows arranged at intervals 90 cm. The spacing of the shims in a row is usually 35 cm. In more fertile soils, the row distance may be reduced to 30 cm. The rootstocks before planting should be sorted into two selections, and their roots shortened to about 12 cm. On heavier soils, more conducive to the infestation of the root system of granular rootstocks by the tuberous disease, it is recommended to disinfect the roots by soaking them for an hour in a 0.5% solution of copper sulphate. Before the spring planting of rootstocks, it is recommended to trim the above-ground part of them to the height 20-40 cm from the root collar. The amount of trim of the aboveground part depends on the species, the quality of the root system, as well as the time of planting the rootstocks. Weaker-quality rootstocks and less rooted rootstocks become shorter. Nursery rootstocks are planted by hand or with the use of auxiliary machines, such as furrowers, and even specially constructed or adapted planters. For manual planting, special nursery lines or chains are needed, distances are permanently marked, in which the rootstocks will be planted in the row, e.g. co 35 cm. The drawing of the rows begins with the drawing of transverse straight lines at the ends of the quarters, on which the distances between the rows are marked. It is best to plant in teams of two by hand. One worker then digs holes at the marks along the chain, and the other, holding a bunch of washers, inserts one washer into the well next to the row distance mark. The worker, while digging a hole for the next rootstock, covers the roots of the previous rootstock with the excavated soil. The imposed ground is strongly trampled by the second employee. Usually several teams are planted along one chain. Mechanical planting currently consists of inserting rootstocks into prepared furrows and filling them with soil.
Strongly trampling the soil around the planted rootstocks is a very important activity, both in the case of manual and partially mechanized planting.. By planting rootstocks in the fall, their root system should be additionally secured by covering them with soil.

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