Fertilization and care of maiden trees

Nitrogen fertilization in the quarters of one-year-old maiden trees is best applied before the beginning of vegetation. The dose of pure nitrogen depends on the natural abundance of the soil and the method of its preparation, and varies from 40 do 80 kg in 1 ha. After sowing, nitrogen fertilizers should be mixed with the soil by planetation. If magnesium deficiencies were observed in the plantations in the first year, at the end of May, spraying young maiden trees with a concentration of magnesium sulphate should be applied 2,0%.
In the second year of the nursery, the weed-free soil is best kept using herbicides. The doses of herbicides depend on the degree of soil infestation. Higher doses than these are generally used, which were used in the first year.

Depending on the method of guiding the maiden trees (tenon and tenonless)

trunnionlessyou should straighten the crookedly growing maiden trees in the first period by covering them with earth or tying them to the left pegs or set stakes. Before straightening or tying the maiden trees, remove all side shoots from the pad below the budding site and any plug left.. In the first period, the fusion of maimers with the rootstock is very slow. All work must therefore be carried out very carefully, so as not to break the shoot with the shield. Made of peaches, apricots and cherries, and sometimes also of other species quite often arise two, and even three shoots. In order to obtain strongly developed maiden trees, weaker and crooked shoots should be removed early, and leave one – strongest. Shoots obtained from the winter grafting of rootstocks and from supplementary spring grafting require similar care. They are, due to weaker fusion, even more prone to breakage. Very often there is a need to straighten them or tie them to the stakes placed next to them.
Occupants of some species and varieties have the ability to produce side shoots. Early development of side shoots makes it easier to obtain well-formed trees in the second year of running the nursery.
Cherries grafted at height require different care 80-100 cm. Usually 4-5-stem crowns are formed from the accepted scions. When grafting with short scions, it is better to bring out one shoot, and only in the following year, in the nursery or in the orchard, to form a properly built crown.
During the growth of shoots, remember to cut the cutting raffia in time and to constantly remove the shoots growing out of the trunk and the spacer, which are cut into a wedding ring in July. All species of specimens reach height in July 50-70 cm. During this period, tenons are cut. Early excision allows for quick scarring of the resulting wounds.
In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the more correct formation of cherry trees. By penalizing side shoots (syleptic) to a height of approx 40 cm from the ground, stronger and more properly shaped cherry trees can be obtained.

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