Choice of terrain for the growth of trees

The best conditions for the growth of trees are in the southern and western part of the country, and also in some regions of central Poland.
The usefulness of the central part of the country depends on the fertility of the soil and the amount of rainfall during the growing season. Very heavy or light soils, as well as a large number of sand pockets” they are not suitable for a nursery. Flat or slightly wavy areas are most suitable for the production of fruit trees. The best soils for the nursery are loess and black earth, as well as more fertile podsol soils. Medium compact soils should be chosen for the nursery, airy and with regulated water relations. The groundwater level should not be higher than 1 m from the soil surface. Fruit trees and bushes grow well in soil, which is neutral to slightly acidic (pH 6,2-7,0). Before establishing the nursery, acidic soils should be fertilized with calcium fertilizers. Liming not only deacidifies the soil, but it greatly improves its structure.

Specific crop rotation and abundant fertilization with manure are essential for proper soil preparation. Alternation in the broader sense of the word involves not only establishing the correct sequence of plants one after another, but also their respective agrotechnics. Some treatments, like organic fertilization, liming, soil cultivation or herbicide application have effects that last for more than one year, and sometimes they affect the entire shifting and therefore should be properly planned.
This is shifting 7 or 8 years, depending on this, whether one-year-old buds or two-year trees will be produced.
The most important part of the rotation is the most important for the nurserymen, which is directly related to the production of trees, so the forecrop.
Grasses with clover and rape on manure are designed to enrich the soil with organic matter and give it a lumpy structure. The cultivation of beet has been excluded from the presented project of crop rotation, considered to be conducive to the severe infection of the tree roots by the tuberous disease. It is also undesirable to grow potatoes in manure, which may encourage the development of harmful nematodes. Due to the depletion of soil from nutrients and humus and the danger of excessive development of harmful microorganisms, trees can be grown in the same field at least after 5-6 years.

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