One of the most important methods of reproducing fruit trees is eyeleting, i.e. the so-called. budding, and vaccination. These methods rely on transplantation, transferring part of one plant to another. If we carry out eyeleting, the transplanted organ is an eyelet, that is, a leaf bud taken from the middle part of a well-developed one, one-year-old shoot of the propagated variety, and in the course of vaccination, the transplanted organ is scion, that is the episode of the one-year, woody shoot, O 3-5 buds, taken from a propagated variety.

Budding is performed in the summer, most often from mid-July to mid-August, so in the period, when the pulp (creative tissue) shows the greatest activity, what is recognized by the easy departure of the cortex. On the pad, On the height 3-4 cm from the ground, on the north-west side, is performed with a sharp knife (with an ophthalmologist) T-shaped incision. With a flat knife, the bark is slightly opened and the eye removed from the scar is inserted into the cuts., then the bark is crimped around it.

Technique of oculization a) the way of removing the eyelet, b) eyelet removed, c) an eyelet inserted into the notch of the pad; d) the eyelet on; e) an occluded pad after tying.

The eyelet on is tied with raffia, strips of foil or rubber, or with plastic clips, leaving only a donut tied up. We can also use this method to change the variety on the already planted one, older tree.

A newer method of budding is the so-called. budding for a starter or budding with a live eye, because in the same year a shoot grows from the bud established at the end of April. In this method, a scrap, which was removed along with the wood from the washer, is replaced by a similar section of bark cut from a woody scion. The first incision on the scion, perpendicular or slightly oblique, is performed at a distance 7-10 mm below the bud. The longitudinal cut starts at approx 1,5 cm above the bud and leads down to the lower cut. A section of bark is removed from the rootstock in a similar manner. The ophthalmic disc is placed in place, from which a section of bark has been removed. The grafting disc must be well pressed against the pad and the pulp of the target plate must be connected to the pulp of the pad on at least one side. This is a condition for the disc to fuse well with the washer. The place of inoculation must be carefully tied, preferably with a strip of foil.

Vaccination is most often carried out in February and March, before the beginning of vegetation. The slips needed for this purpose are obtained from those cut in the fall and kept in the sand over the winter, preferably in a cool cellar, one-year-old lignified shoots. They are needed for vaccination (except the scion): knife (graft), foil strips or raffia and garden ointment with an additive 2% Topsinu M.

Various vaccination methods are used.

Vaccination "by application”, which distinguishes between ordinary and incised vaccination. Ordinary vaccination "by application” is performed, by grafting rootstocks in a nursery and when we want to obtain a foamy form of gooseberries and currants. The condition for obtaining good results in this method is the similar thickness of the scion and rootstock. Incision vaccination is a modification of the previous method, for a tighter fit between the two parts.

Vaccination "as a starter”. This method, and all the following, apply, when the thickness of the rootstock significantly exceeds that of the scion. The 3-eye crest is intersected identically, how to vaccinate "by application”. The pad is cut slightly obliquely and from the higher side a piece of bark and wood with an area corresponding to the size of the cut surface on the scion is cut obliquely. This is how you apply yourself, that the pulp of the scion and the pads touch each other on the largest possible circumference. After placing the scion, the inoculation site is bound with a foil strip and the wound surfaces are smeared with garden ointment.

Vaccination "for the bark”, the so-called. sheepskin coat – this is the only vaccination method, which is used during the full vegetation period, most often in May, when the bark is well removed from the wood.

Vaccination "in a wedge”, that is, "the leg of a deer” – this method is most often used in grafting plums and cherries, because it gives better, than the previously mentioned methods, Results.

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